Maritime transport
Maritime transport, Transport Services, Transport Scandinavia, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland
Maritime transport services (sea freight) are among the most popular services in international trade because of their availability and coverage. And here the Jumbo Transport Poland company is not lagging behind offering a full range of ocean freight services, based on the definitions of delivery terms Incoterms.
Our range includes container loads FCL, export and import, by the Baltic Container Terminal in Gdynia (BCT), Gdańsk (DCT, GTK), Cargo Terminal in Szczecin and other popular European ports, service FCL import and export of all types of cargo, conventional and bulky, in terms both linear and charter flights. With the help of experts working with us we also support dangerous goods (DGR - Dangerous Goods regulation).
Our services are always complex, so that customers can count also on customs clearance and warehousing, consulting and insurance. With Jumbo Transport Poland you can be sure that the freight service will be implemented in a modern, professional and comprehensive.