Professional transport services, customs and warehouse

Jumbo Transport Poland, Transport Services, Transport Scandinavia, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland


Jumbo Transport Poland Ltd.

In the course of his main forces are concentrating in the fields of Scandinavia, ie we constitute a strong competition in the transport of goods to Poland and to / from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. A strong network of our troops stationed throughout Europe also allows us to quickly organize shipments of goods to / from the UK, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Italy and most recently Turkey. About our competitiveness is also low price of carriage, notwithstanding the quality of service provided.


Our offer

Transport services
Rapid transport in road transport between Poland and the above countries, the organization of daily shipments of full trucks loads and partial cargo transportation, in particular, to / from Denmark - Sweden - Norway - Finland - Baltic countries - Turkey - United Kingdom, France and Spain, transport of goods between different countries, in which transport between Scandinavia / Western Europe, Central and Eastern Europe. Read more...

Customs clearance and storage
Storage of goods in a customs warehouse, customs clearance, distribution, logistics management, transportation "from door to door, daily distribution of goods to Poland, the Jumbo Transport Poland solutions tailor-made projects in transport and shipping. Our goal is to strengthen the market position of the customer through the proper implementation of forwarding and logistics services with a favorable value for money. Read more...



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